Regendering: RN4_9661aa

ZIYA YEWDALL loves pink, My Little Pony toys and clothes, Barbie dolls, sparkly head bands and dresses just like untold thousands of six-year-old girls across the country. Except that Ziya was assigned male and birth and considers himself to be a boy, but maybe a girl, too.  {quote}Ziya is a mix of both genders, falling somewhere in the middle,{quote} his mother Faith explains.
Atlanta, Georgia

ZIYA YEWDALL loves pink, My Little Pony toys and clothes, Barbie dolls, sparkly head bands and dresses just like untold thousands of six-year-old girls across the country. Except that Ziya was assigned male and birth and considers himself to be a boy, but maybe a girl, too. "Ziya is a mix of both genders, falling somewhere in the middle," his mother Faith explains.